Another chilly morning (0°), but still a really good ride. I forgot to mention this in yesterday morning’s post, but I picked up a box of toe warmers from Costco (pack of 30 for $14). They are just little packs that stick on the your socks. Yesterday I had them positioned slightly wrong, meaning they kept the middle/top of my foot (and two middle toes) warm, but the others were pretty cold! This morning, however, I found a better way to place them and kept most of my toes fairly warm, at least not freezing! Even with the toe covers and the warmers, I still think anything -5° or colder will be tough without something better.
The light is still working great. I am thinking, though, that I am going to try and rig something up that will allow me to mount it on my helmet for next week probably. That way I can compare the conditions and see which setup I like best. The handlebar mount is still good for the majority of situations, but in the single-track it’s tough to see around the corners while the light is pointed the wrong way…
Physically I felt OK today, not 100%, but I still got a really good time in the end. The scary coyote wasn’t at Rose Hill to freak me out, so that was nice!
The ride was really pretty good, but in the second half (from Peterson’s Creek to work) I was really wishing for warmer gloves. If it gets much colder, I’m thinking the $20 gloves from Costco will be my best option. They will most likely be too warm for any rides above freezing, but I can deal with gloves that are “too” warm right now…
Oh, I saw the crazy golden retriever and his owner again this morning, this time on the trail between the trailer park and Pineview. Again, the owner saw me before his dog did (which is impressive, most owners only see me after their dogs raise the alarm). As I came closer, he backed off of the trail and actually grabbed onto his dog! Well, I guess everyone can learn… Hah! Anyways, I thanked him and continued on to work.
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