I believe that today might have been the chilliest ride home (7°) since the spring! Overcast, and high humidity in the air. Still, it was a really good ride. The cooler temperature just meant that the Peterson’s Creek trails were not so crowded…
The ride down into the creek was good, and the creek crossing was not too bad. I did fumble it a bit at the beginning and while going over the root at the other side, but still managed to pull through. I didn’t make the climb out the east bank, though… Oh, and the creek is back to normal again so I have no idea what made it so high for a few days. Maybe it was beaver dams or something… Who knows!
I made the climb right up to middle of the bypass trail where I have to hike-a-bike over a bit of a “cliff” to continue on. The crazy thing is that I saw bike tracks going up and over! I can’t be sure the tracks were going up the cliff, and not down, but either way it was pretty crazy I think! I highly doubt I’ll be climbing over this in many, many years…
At the top, I cleared the rock wall and then continued along the single-track. However, stepping out of my usual “comfort zone”, I continued along Frolek’s upper road past the gulley trail I usually take down. I continued along the upper road (the views are astounding!) until I met up with the road the connects the upper and lower roads and followed that down. It was a bit longer than usual, and more climbing, but fun. I think I will ride this way on Wednesday or maybe Friday and then see if I can continue right up to the microwave tower! Some day I have to make my way up there just to say I have done it…
At the Rose Hill pipeline section, at the last hill… wait for it… drum roll please… I MADE THE LAST CLIMB FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!! Yes, I was stoked! For the first time yet (in over 8 months), I finally managed to get everything lined up, kept the bike straight, had the energy/power, and climbed up and over the dumb hill! I let out a whoop and a holler at the top, I was so excited! Granted, I couldn’t catch my breath ‘till I was well into Juniper after that… Hah!
Anyways, it was a historic day to be sure! Now we’ll have to see if I can start making this a couple times a week finally?
For some reason my last comment didn't post. I said that this is a very historic moment! Even Sam was impressed, he was banging the keys.