Well, so much for being out of shape or anything… I may have gained a pound or two, but I must’ve done enough biking and hiking last week that I felt like I didn’t really miss a beat. In fact, I even felt like I pushed it harder than normal.
I am enjoying how I can do this ride now and still have lots of energy left for the rest of the evening. Granted, tonight I just wanted to go to sleep at 9pm, but that’s probably got something to do with the 46 hours of driving we did last week too… When I started this, I don’t think I got out of bed after supper…
I priced out some lights on www.mec.ca today. A bit pricey to say the least! However, I really don’t want to cheap out on this like I typically do. If I want to ride well into the winter (sometimes the snow doesn’t fly ‘till Christmas around here), then I will need a pretty good light to show me the way. It looks like I need to be spending around $250 for a light… Yikes! I knew this day would come, but did it have to come so soon?
The ride was really great. Excellent descent down into Peterson’s creek, as I made both the sandy sections. I just about made the technical climb out of the creek, but lost traction trying to get my rear wheel over some roots. The single track along Frolek’s land was as much fun as I remember it to be, fast and flowy. The road portion on Frolek’s land was great too, in fact, I think it was even faster and more fun than I usually do through here, so that was great! I still haven’t made the last climb on the pipeline section of rose hill, but a few feet further today! I’ll blame it on a loss of traction again… Hah!
Well, off to bed now for some rest before another day of ride and work.
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