I started my ride today helping some kid fix his bike. As I rode the short trail between Pineview and Aberdeen Glen Village (trailer park), I noticed a kid with his bike upside down just down off the trail a ways. I walked over to him and noticed he had the back wheel off and was looking a bit upset. It turns out he hit a jump but landed off the mark and into some rocks, and apparently the rear wheel came off… Ouch!!! He seemed OK, just a bit shook up. At first glance, it looked like the nut had come off of his skewer, so we started looking for it. However, I soon realized that the nut itself was still there (although tightened all the way to the axle nut itself, not sure what was going on there), but it was the plastic cover that normally sits over the nut that was missing. I loosened the nut off (skewer was bent) and managed to get the wheel back on and tightened down. I did notice that his drop out was also bent (makes sense if the wheel came off!), so I told him he’d need a new skewer and drop out, but that he could ride it home like this (just not to hit anymore jumps ‘till his Dad had looked it over). He was grateful, but his buddy just wanted to go hit more jumps!!! Hah!
Anyways, after that the ride was pretty good. The brakes were a bit noisy (squealing), and I did attempt a bit of adjustments again at the bottom of the Billy Minor trail, but I really just need those new pads that I ordered from eBay 2 weeks ago!!! Both my eBay orders are VERY late with shipping, frustrating! I think I’ll contact the seller’s today and see what’s up.
I did make the creek crossing and over the first root, but again I did not make the climb out over the east bank. Why can’t I make this anymore? I decided to try the bypass trail up out of the valley, and even that I was unable to keep the dumb bike in the middle of the trail and instead found the front wheel wandering up the right bank into the loose shale, which of course meant I spun out and had to walk where I have no excuses for walking!!! I did, however, redeem myself somewhat at the top by sailing over the rock wall without hitting a pedal!
As I came off the single-track onto Frolek’s upper road, I saw Gary Fisher riding up from below! OK, well it wasn’t Gary Fisher for real of course, but the guy had the same round head, white/blonde hair, goatee/moustache and instead of a helmet he had just a bandana on (something I’m sure Gary Fisher would do). We exchanged hello’s but I kept going up to my first gulley trail down. At the trailhead, he was much further behind than when I first saw him (which means he was for sure NOT Gary Fisher… Hah!) and as I rode down he yelled out “Have fun!” Which I did!
I decided to not take my new gulley trail, instead hoping to ride the single-track all the way to the end and then do some exploring a bit to see if I could find more single-track where it seems to end. However, Frolek’s cows had other ideas… I came up to where my next gulley trail starts, and there were 3 cows standing in my way staring at me. So, I changed my mind and decided to take the gulley trail instead of continuing on the single-track. Yes, I know they’re just cows, but I’m a city slicker and as such I give any beast that outweighs me 10-1 ALOT of respect!!!
At the pipeline section at Rose Hill, I thought today was going to be my day to finally make the last climb!!! I started the final ascent, hit the granny gear and got cranking. I sailed through the sandy pocket better than I ever have, and started cruising up the next section. Suddenly, I realized I had enough gas in the tank to finally MAKE this crazy climb!!! I started getting excited, thinking today was finally my day, but par for the course… I just could NOT keep a straight line, with the bike in the middle. As such, I kept fighting to try and get the bike back, but ended up tracking too far right and into the bank/bushes which killed my efforts… ARRRGGG
I was so certain I was going to finally do this today! Maybe tomorrow, but man that is frustrating to lose it, not because of strength or fitness, but because I can’t keep the darn front wheel on the right line!!!
Hopefully I feel this good tomorrow and can get a better effort and finally conquer this hill before the snow falls and I have to wait ‘till next year!!!
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