Another really good ride! My legs did indeed feel more tired today than yesterday, but I was still able to get some good sprinting efforts in so that is cool!
I did, however, wipeout on my way down into Peterson's Creek! The Billy Minor trail intersects with the Tom Moore trail at an almost 180° switchback (Tom Moore is heading north, down the side of the hill, and the Billy Minor trail heads south). The tight switchback there I've never even really attempted, as the price for failure was too high (a very steep, loose hill that drops quite a ways). Instead, I've always dismounted and moved the bike into position and then continued. Today, however, I decided to give the switchback a try. Well, it took all of 1 second into the turn for me to realize that I was NOT going to make it! And then, not only was I not going to make the switchback, but I was going to go straight over the edge! Just as I was looking for what trees to grab onto to hopefully stop my fall from going too far down, I panicked and turned the wheel way too sharp, sending me up and over the bars. I did, however, manage to get my feet out, over the bars, and under me so I didn't do an actual endo. Instead, I just kind of landed awkwardly on the trail and ran a couple of steps. I did, however, stub my toe and it hurts!!!
So, yeah, I might try that again with the seat lowered, but it will be a while 'till I manage to master that! I guess better brakes would be a big advantage as well? Whatever, excuses! I sucked at my attempt and that is that!
I tried the long, steep climb again up out of Peterson's Creek valley. I didn't quite make it as far as yesterday as I ended up steering right into the little gulley in the middle of the trail (meaning NO traction or control) and had to stop. However, I DID make it up and over the little rock wall feature that I have failed at for about 10 attempts!!! I was pretty stoked! I did hit my pedal, but with better timing this feature will be a challenge of the past for sure!
I also made a record distance up the final hill at the Rose Hill pipeline section. I was actually able to make it through the sand pocket (even though I spun a bit), but then after that the trail turns ultra steep again and I just didn't have it in me. Gotta work on those legs more! So, coming into Juniper, I again put it in the big ring and stood and sprinted down the main trail. I took the Look out trail again and stood and cranked it up the single-track to the top of that trail. It was a lot of fun, and I hope to keep this up every ride if I can. My average speed and overall time were really good again (just shy of yesterday's numbers), so that was cool!
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