Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 2nd (Afternoon) and June 3rd (Morning)

June 2nd (Afternoon)

·         Fluids Intake

o   Morning: 1 bottle of Gatorade, 1 bottle of water, 1 cup of coffee

o   Afternoon: 1 bottle of water

·         Food Intake

o   Morning: 2 pieces of multi grain toast with peanut butter (no butter), 1 banana, 2 vanilla Oreo’s

o   Afternoon: Perogies with potatoes, bacon bits and sour cream


Well, after a lunch like that, I was in no shape to ride today! I guess, by the time I actually would’ve gotten on my bike I was feeling better, but I felt very sick all afternoon ‘till about 4pm. And then the rains came down. So, those two items along with the fact that Corrie was already in town with the bike rack (ready for after Taryn’s soccer practice today), I bummed a ride with her and we went for dinner together instead and then to Taryn’s soccer practice (which was actually cancelled due to the rain, and as they have yet to cancel for rain this really was a nasty downpour!). On the way, Taryn lamented as to why she always had to play soccer in the rain... Poor girl! We tried to console her that soon enough the sun would shine and seemingly not stop for a few months, but obviously we’ve been experiencing more rain lately than normal I would think?


June 3rd (Morning)

·         Fluids Intake

o   Evening Before: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk

o   Morning Of: Nothing

·         Food Intake

o   Evening Before: 1 bacon and cheese burger (big mistake), fries, 2 pieces of white toast with peanut butter (no margarine)

o   Morning Of: Nothing


Well, I really should’ve just had the plain burger last night. It would’ve been a few dollars cheaper, and less heavy on my gut! This mornings’ ride was actually pretty good for the first stretch to Lansdowne. I made the two steeps for the third time in a row, and the down-and-up switchback. I stopped, however, on the second trail dip and cleared the branches and brush that were constantly grabbing my arms so I guess I can’t say I made that one... :) The rest of the ride was fast and flowing to Valleyview road, and then on the streets I felt pretty good, pushing myself to a fast time of 18-3/4 minutes (my best time yet is 18.5 minutes).


However, the fat and grease and cheese of last night’s binge burger finally caught up with me through the Kenna Cartwright park. I was slow, tired, and very sore. I rode the Reservoir trail the whole way as I usually have done (other than yesterday), but felt pretty exhausted. Still no rest stops, so that’s cool. But every gear felt tough, no matter how easy it actually was. It doesn’t help that the mud and dirt have made my chain rather squeeky and groany by today (normally one good waxing on the weekend lasts the whole week). I guess I’ll have to remedy that tonight for sure. Still, I made a decent time of 32-3/4 minutes which is about average for me so far. However, I will second guess my burger choices in the future!


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