Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peterson's Creek videos

Ok, I found a video that shows a bit of the canyon I ride through every day. This guy is riding further up the trail than where I typically enter, although I have ridden some of the same trails or nearby. But the terrain is pretty similar (but I don’t go nearly as fast yet, and he didn’t have any switchbacks to contend with!). Anyways, its at


Right around the 0:27 mark is where I join the trail sometimes, but I typically go up where he went down and traversed across the side. At 1:26 he goes left, and I think if he’d gone right instead that trail would eventually get me to the bottom. Also, at 1:40 I believe he crosses the trail that I usually do take, which leads me to the bottom eventually. The terrain is very similar to what I do ride, however, with just a bit less trees and more sand... Cool video though for sure! Now I need to go out and ride that trail, see where it goes if he had gone right!!!


There’s another video ( that is just a guy with a bad camera standing at a lookout point, but he’s pointing down into the valley (looking north) that I ride through. You can see the trails on both the left and right where I ride. Right at the beginning you can see a trail going down on the left which is where I descend, then again at 0:21. Then, at 0:32 he pans over to the east side and you can see my ‘up’ trail. Finally, at 0:35, you can see the trail where it crests the top. That’s where I get to traverse straight east, which is a pretty fast up and down trail. Not a great video, but shows a bit more of my ‘nemesis’!

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