Monday, April 4, 2011

I’m tired… This is tuff.

Yep. One week into riding on my trails and I’m tired. Thursday I had Corrie come and pick me up from work because I was feeling sick. Friday it was all I could do to stay awake during the work day, and I ended up going home at 4:30 (yes, that is supposed to be my normal time to leave, but this is 3 hours earlier than my norm!).

So, a couple of things have come to light recently. One, riding these trails is so much tougher than riding the streets. Two, riding these trails is so much more FUN than riding the streets! And, three, I need to once again start monitoring my eating habits!

Yes, in the month of March I went from 218lbs, down to 216 briefly only to end at 220! Yikes… We’ve eaten out too much, I’ve midnight snacked way too often, and there’s been too many chocolates and candy laying around (thanks, Lauren, for the gift but really? Winking smile). Anyways, I guess I’m back to that now, which will probably be good as I’ll start getting more energy for riding and start feeling less tired.

I met up with Phil on Friday, actually. He’s been riding the trails since a week ago as well, and said this winter was the longest he’d been off his bike for quite some time. Good, I was starting to wonder if I was just a wuss by waiting this long! Smile with tongue out I saw him on the other side of Peterson’s Creek (he was going up, I was coming down). He had about a 5 minute lead on me, but now I had a goal. You know, motivation is a funny thing. I don’t particularly like riding with Phil too much (he’s too slow and I just like doing my own thing out there!), but having him ahead of me by about 5 minutes suddenly gives me jump to try and see how quickly I can erase that 5 minute gap, hah! So, as I was coming down the connector road between the upper and lower roads on Frolek’s land, I came cruising right up behind him. We talked a bit about the winter and what not, and then as we were riding and approaching the Rose Hill section, he asked how many times I’d made the last hill and if I was going to try it today. Well, of course, I said, I try it every day! So, he pulled over and let me go ahead and I started the roller coaster section of trail that I love so much. As soon as I started up the final hill, I knew that my legs didn’t have it in me this time. I still pushed and got up a good distance, but then I had to bail. I turned around to see where Phil was so I could get out of his way, and the putz waved at me from the bottom and turned and rode off on the bypass trial! Hah! Wuss… Winking smile Just kidding…

Well, another week has past and it was  good one. Riding the trails again is so much FUN! I can’t wait ‘till I’m back in shape enough to start doing some exploring… Well, that along with getting off of work at a decent hour so that I have time to do so of course… Oh, my new phone I bought recently has a ‘Panorama’ feature on the camera that I tried today. Other than the image being pretty small, it worked not too bad. It’s about 2/3’s as big as it should’ve been, as it couldn’t focus on the final two shots (probably because my hands were shaking too much or something), but it still turned out kind of neat.


This shot was taken just near the top of the Peterson’s Creek ‘Billy Minor Trail South’, on the East side of the creek canyon. I’m looking north towards lower Sahali, and then Brock. I will work on my skills with this and I should be getting some neat shots this year!!!

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