Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5th (Morning)

Well, I didn’t ride this morning. So why am I writing this entry, you ask? I know, I never have written before on a “DNR” (Did Not Ride) day, but this morning I feel like I should.

You see, last night just before heading to bed I noticed my front tire was flat. What?!? When did that happen? But, I took the wheel downstairs and put in a new tube and got it ready to go again. So that’s not why I took the truck.

I checked the temperature, and it was a balmy 8°, so freezing temperatures is not my excuse either.

I also felt really tired and sore this morning. Which is strange, because I haven’t really felt that sore in a long time. But, still, feeling this way is no excuse not to ride.

I just didn’t want to ride.

Plain and simple. I can’t remember ever feeling this strongly against not riding. At least, never that I’ve actually given into the feeling. The lack of desire, the tired and sore muscles, having no food in the house for a lunch (yes, it’s pay day today), Avery was awake, and any other excuse in the book all came together this morning and I took the truck.

So there, for the first time since starting this venture, I completely and utterly wussed out. And I feel bad. Why? This had better not happen again. And really, it’s not that I outright decided not to ride. It’s just that I took so long in not deciding, that it was soon too late to ride.

Yep, this attitude had better be snipped soon. I cannot let this kind of thinking prevail!!! Maybe I’ll have to do 2x the workout on the gym tonight as punishment… Winking smile Hopefully this is the last post of this kind before the snow flies or the weather drops to -10° and I actually have a bonafide excuse.

By the way, as for the flat tire, I just need to discuss this a bit. The flat was caused by the stem separating from the tube itself. No thorn or pinch flat or anything of the sort. Why would this happen? I did notice that the stem was angled in the hole (never has been before), so did I hit the brakes too hard and have the tube shift on the rim, ripping the stem? If so, it must’ve been right at the end or else I would’ve flatted on the trail (the hole was pretty big, and the flat would’ve happened within minutes max). Strange, but I wonder if braking too hard really is an issue? Or is the tube just old with too many miles on it? I’m not sure if this was my new tube from Taboo back at the beginning of summer, or one of the original tubes I had from my old bike, really. But still, I thought it was a strange way to flat indeed. Guess that’s why I carry a spare with me!

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