13° today, but sunny… Not that I would know by experience, as I now ride at sunset. Bah humbug! I leave work, and the sun is already behind Cole mountain at my back. My entire ride, the edge of the sunshine stays a few miles ahead of me, and I ride in the shadow of the hills. Today, I did try to ride out on Frolek’s road as well as the main trail into Juniper and the look out trail but still could not catch the darn sun!
This is the most I see of the sun now on my ride… Won’t be much longer now before I’ll be using my light on the way home too! That is if the light ever gets here…
The ride was pretty good. I had some good speeds coming down into Peterson’s Creek. At the bottom, as I was going through the fence, I noticed another biker coming down behind me (a ways up the trail yet), but I never did see him again. He was going slower than I think Phil does on this trail, so I’m not sure who he was? Also passed a biker as he was climbing up the trail just as I came off of the boardwalk. I guess there’s a few guys getting that “last ride” in before it’s too cold. The creek crossing was good, and I made the root easily. The climb up the east bank, however, eluded me once again. I did make it pretty far but couldn’t keep the front wheel planted and as such lost my momentum and my line. I decided to then attempt the long, straight and steep climb out of the valley again and I did make a pretty good distance (on par with my longest climbs here yet). At the top, I cleared the rock wall again, but this time I tried a bit slower so I didn’t run myself out of trail once I did make it over, so this section is just about getting perfect! On the gulley trail down to my single-track I had a blast going a bit faster than I probably should, but I was able to carve nicely up the berms and banks. I’ve noticed the tires are gripping pretty well still, even though they are fast losing their available tread. I’m sure I will be able to wait ‘till Spring for new ones, so that is great!
I decided to take the final gulley trail down to Frolek’s lower road as I’m still not comfortable with the trailhead at the middle gulley trail (too steep, narrow with rocks and trees), so I tend to either blow right past it or walk the first 15 feet. Maybe I need to just stop and lower my seat for the first few times ‘till I get the hang of it? I used to use the excuse that my brakes sucked, but now they rock so I can’t say that anymore!
I still have not made the climb on the final hill at Rose Hill, but I did make it as far as I ever have yesterday. Inch by inch, I will conquer this hill yet and it will be a day of celebration! Hah!
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