I decided to take a picture this morning just so we can all enjoy the “limited visibility” I’ve been experiencing the last two mornings:
You don’t believe me? OK, granted this is my cell phone camera after all, and it struggles to take a good picture in the bright sunlight. So, this may be a little bit exaggerated. But that’s Kamloops (those white dots) in the distance. I’m facing west, just outside of Juniper!!!
Well, obviously I can see better than the picture shows (or I wouldn’t be here, I’d be wrapped around a tree somewhere). But the fact is that this morning was nasty. The skies were indeed quite overcast, attributing to the extra bit of darkness for sure. I did email the guy that I bought the light from on eBay yesterday, but haven’t heard anything yet. Praying for it to be delivered TODAY!!!
The ride was good otherwise. Physically I felt pretty good, and technically it wasn’t too bad overall. I continue to take the “cliff” down, just before Frolek’s gate, and it freaks me out every time and yet it’s a blast at the same time! I didn’t make the dip/corner section of single-track again, and I decided to take the new, lower trail just before the top of Peterson’s Creek Valley. It’s a fun trail, nice to have something a bit different. But, I didn’t make it over the large root at the end. I know last time I was talking about needing a foot and a half of air to manage a bunny hop over it, but that was a wild exaggeration. I would think a foot at the most. However, the problem is that it’s a bit uphill and around a corner, meaning that there’s no way to get enough speed going to make a bunny hop like that even if I could do it. However, I think I might be able to squeeze by on the right side, as long as I can keep my handlebar from smacking into the tree itself. Might have to try this a few more times!
I met a jogger just past the rock wall. A very tight section of trail to have to try and pass each other… Going down into Peterson’s Creek was good (brakes are still very impressive, I’m for sure ordering another pair of these pads!) and the crossing and technical climb up the west bank was pretty good (no stopping!). The rest of the ride was uneventful. A good climb out of the valley, and pretty good pace going along the streets. Had to actually use the blinky light today on these streets as it was still a bit dim (everyone still had their headlights on). Maybe I’ll have to put the taillight on my handlebar for tomorrow morning’s ride…
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