Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11th (Morning)

Well, I got to ride this morning! I wasn’t sure if I'd be driving or what, but Corrie and I worked hard at getting most of the truck packed last night, and she needs it this morning for running some pre-travel errands and what-not, so I got to ride. We also decided that she will load up the bike rack and I’ll take the bike with us for the trip. Sweet! As Andy and Helen live right on the river, I’m sure I’ll be able to find some great trails up and down the river bank to enjoy. Also, while camping out in South East Saskatchewan, it is a bit hilly out there too, so maybe I can find something there as well? Even if I was just able to ride an hour to make sure I don’t loose any progress would be good.

This morning’s ride was pretty good. I’m seeing improvements in my technical skills, albeit slowly. However, there are sections on the trail where I’m consistently making it where I used to have to dab, or sections that I can clean much easier or faster than before. So that is good! I didn’t, however, make the climb up the east bank of Peterson’s Creek today. I bounced around, ended up taking the completely wrong line, and then just about flipped up over backwards back into the creek… Confused smile I got my foot out behind me just in time, and just missed dunking it ankle deep by about 4 inches… Smile

I did feel more tired today, and my legs felt like they didn’t have a lot left in the tank on the climb up the east valley trails. But, I still made all the sections up. At the end of Summit Drive, the light turned green to cross the highway while I was a ways back. This is a rather short green, but very long red, so I stood up and sprinted the distance. I made the green, but the next hill was killer… Nyah-Nyah

At the top of Howe road, I decided to take my “Peak 2 Peak” trail instead of cutting through the trailer park. I felt I had to do it. Let me explain. I have a colleague named Dustin. A young guy, newly married, who started riding his bike to work once I did. He lives just over in Aberdeen, so it’s a short 15-20 minute ride for him, but he does it fairly consistently, even in the rain. However, when I discovered this new route up Howe and my “Peak 2 Peak” trail, I told him about it and he was pretty excited. So, for the last few weeks he’s been taking this trail. Unfortunately, his ride in on Monday he went over the bars after hitting a rock and scraped his arm/shoulder up. He was a bit sore, and sounded rather discouraged about the ride. Since then, he hasn’t ridden! Now, I also haven’t been riding that trail as we’re trying to get a proposal done right now and I have to get to work as soon as I can. But, this morning, it bugged me that the trail was sitting there laughing at me, feeling superior that it had successfully “bucked” us off. So, I took the trail just to make sure it still realized that bikers rule… Open-mouthed smile

Yeah, anyways… The trail was a blast again, and a lot of work. I came up behind a guy hiking with his dog and a coffee in his hand (quite a sight). The dog spotted me as I came around the bend behind them and freaked out, causing the poor guy to practically jump out of his skin! I apologized for “sneaking” up on him like that, and he said he thought his dog was after a bear or something… Hah! Surprised smile

Well, not sure when my next ride is for sure, but ‘till then, see you later!

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