Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8th (Morning) and July 7th (Afternoon)

July 8th (Morning)
Well, I didn’t feel great this morning but I managed a really good time somehow. Better than my averages lately for sure, by about 3-5 minutes. As I was getting ready to leave the house, I felt really hungry (I never feel hungry in the mornings) so I grabbed a banana, maybe it’s a miracle fruit!

Anyways, as I was about just past 1/2 way across the Juniper main trail, there was a rather large and rather fresh pile of bear scat again! I can’t believe that I’m seeing this much evidence, recent evidence too, of bears and yet I haven’t seen an actual bear yet? I would bet that this bear (or these bears, maybe there are more than one) have sat and watched me bike by time and time again, but I’m so focused on the trail ahead of me I don’t even notice. I did, however, see a coyote (other than deer, I’ve not seen any sort of wildlife yet this spring or summer). He stood at the top of a little hill just off the side of the trail until I stopped to take a picture. I guess that made him nervous, so he took off and I couldn’t get a decent picture.

I know you can't see him, but if you look closely you might have a chance... right at the top of the hill, smack in between the two dead pine trees is my coyote as he turned to run away. If nothing else, here's a cool shot of the scenery I get to ride by every day!

I hit some really good speeds coming through the Rose Hill pipeline section of trails. It was a blast, I think I even let out a few “whoops” in enjoyment! I made all the hills, and then as I was coming around the last bend to where I have to hike the bike on my shoulder down from the trail to the road, I decided to try the bypass trail. It was a fun little downhill trail, and even with the bit of climbing back up on the road to the gate, I’m sure I was the same time as getting off, hiking the bike down and then getting to the gate the way I normally do it. So I will definitely do that again.

Frolek’s land and going down into Peterson’s Creek were both good stretches. My brakes are really spongy, albeit still grabby though, so I really need to work on them this weekend. Going up the other side of the creek I, once again, had to bail just past the first two switchbacks as I veered wildly from side to side and started heading into the bushes... The rest of the ride up was OK. I rode a bit more in the middle again, although not as much as yesterdays ride. I did meet another biker as he was riding down. I watched him ride the two nasty switchbacks and the section between successfully and it made me jealous... :(

July 7th (Afternoon)
Another good ride, but holy cow it’s getting hot! 32° today, and that’s not even close to what this area is capable of this time of year! I felt good physically, but lethargic for sure. I dismounted at the two switchbacks going down into Peterson’s Creek, but rode the section between them at least. Going up I made it deep into the sandy switchback, and then stopped under my Saskatoon bush for shade... But that 1 degree difference really did nothing for me today!

My normal ride up Peterson’s Creek usually goes like this. First, I ride just about 1/2 way up on some decently steep trails to the sandy switchback. At this point, I can hardly breathe, and my legs are burning, so I have no reserves left for when I start spinning in the sand and I dismount and catch my breath. I then walk out of the sandy area (about 20 feet or so) and then ride again. Now the trail here is pretty steep and long. As I come around a corner, it gets a bit loose and rocky, and I typically push it right up to the steepest part where my will, energy and traction seem to all give out at the same time. I then typically walk up the steep section, and then continue walking for another 100 feet or so ‘till I get back on and ride. At that point, I ride up to a very steep (albeit short) section that is very loose and silty. At this point, I don’t usually push this hill and walk most of it. At the top of this hill, I get back on and ride the final stretch to the top, about 2 minutes or so of grinding in the granny gear at speeds just a tad faster than hiking... But I make it!

Well, yesterday I got into the loose and rocky section and stopped at the steep part and walked it. However, once I walked over the steep part, I couldn’t see why I always continued walking. So, instead of walking the next 100 feet, I rode it (as well as  steep section I wasn’t sure if I could or not) and continued right up the steepest section, the loose and silty hill. It was really cool! I would say I’m easily now at 1/8 walking or less. So, even with 3 stops still, with such minimal walking portions I know it’s getting better.

The rest of the ride went well. I missed the 2nd to last hill at Rose Hill (veered off into the bushes for some dumb reason, otherwise I know I could’ve made it). I rode the bypass trail around the final hill, and then took the pipeline trail through to Juniper. Good ride, but so incredibly hot!

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