Friday, June 11, 2010

June 10th (Afternoon) and June 11th (Morning)

June 10th (Afternoon)

·         Fluids Intake

o   Morning: 1 bottle of Gatorade, 1 bottle of water, 1 cup of coffee

o   Afternoon: 1 bottle of water

·         Food Intake

o   Morning: 2 pieces of Rye toast with peanut butter, 3 Roll Kuchens with jam

o   Afternoon: 1 regular Chicken Carbonara sub (from Quizno’s)


So I really have to stop eating out lately! All the gas and bus money I’m saving we’re spending on lunches... Well, not quite! Anyways, the ride home today was not too bad. Again, as I left work the brakes were very non-responsive, so I pulled over just outside of Pineview and did a quick adjustment on the rear (moved the caliper, adjusted the cable and the pads), which worked really well, actually, for a 5minute quick adjustment! The drive train, however, was VERY noisy. I had hosed the bike down last night and then re-waxed the chain, but with all the mud this morning, the noise was nasty! Nothing I could do, though, so I just kept going. I’m now also having issues with the front brake. It is either on, full power, or off, with very little modulation. When I pull the brake, I try to do so slowly because once it grabs, it just about sends me flying every time. This is crazy! If this is due to the bigger rotor, I’ll have to put the smaller one back on! I’m guessing it’s also got a lot to do with the cheap Tektro brakes. I read a lot of reviews about no modulation, so this must be what they’re talking about... :(


Going down into Peterson’s creek wasn’t too bad all things considered. I still am not enjoying the trail. Maybe I just need to wipe out and slide down the edge once so I can get it out of my system and then stop worrying about it so much... Hah! Yeah right, if I did that I’d probably start worrying about it more! I didn’t make the way up the other side as far as the first couple rides this week, but still made it to the top with only 3 stops again. As the sun was out most of the day today, with little to no rain, the trails were a bit better for riding (not as greasy/muddy). I took the pipeline section through to Juniper and took it pretty fast really! That section is always fun, and it doesn’t seem to get old!


Mom, Dad and Katie are coming tonight, so that will be cool to see them again.


June 11th (Morning)

·         Fluids Intake

o   Evening Before: 1 glass of Gatorade, 1 glass of Iced Tea, 1 glass of water, 2 glasses of Milk (thirsty!)

o   Morning Of: Nothing

·         Food Intake

o   Evening Before: Chicken with potatoes and corn, 1 piece of cake

o   Morning Of: Nothing


Well, my first full week of riding the whole way in to work is now over. It wasn’t actually that bad, really. I have noticed that I’m feeling sleepy at work again (like I did the first few weeks when I started this bike-to-work adventure). But on the trail, my rides are pretty much par for the course really. This morning I was tired for sure, and my climb up Peterson’s Creek showed that as I struggled once again to keep the bike straight and had to bail twice because I was so far off course. But, all in all, I still made it in the 63 minute mark which seems to be my magic number. No one honking today telling me to get off the road, so that was good! We did have a little bit of rain last night, but the trails were pretty good with little to no mud really.


Mom, Dad and Kate came last night and we went on a little hike to the top of our little lookout hill and then around it. The climb up really burned the legs, hah! But I don’t think a hike of that size really would affect my riding the next day. One more ride home this afternoon and I get another two days off, yay! And I get to fully clean and oil the bike, so that will be nice for sure to get everything back in proper running order. I hope to drop by Taboo to pick up some brake pads. If he hasn’t ordered any in yet I’ll have to go by the other shops and hopefully find some because my rear pads are basically gone for sure.


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