Well, it’s been a long time since I last posted here. 1-1/2 weeks actually. So, OK, that’s not that long I guess. But it feels like I haven’t posted in ages, partly because of how much has been going on lately. With so much soccer lately (Levi, Taryn AND Corrie, both games and practices), not to mention all the overtime at work, it’s a wonder I’ve been still able to get any rides in at all. But, I have managed a decent amount of riding without bailing for the car too often, yet! The weather seems to have FINALLY turned a corner and is getting warmer. This week I’ve been shorts-only, with the jacket sporadically. The sun has been out almost as much as it wasn’t, which is a big deal recently! As such, the trails and surrounding landscape is starting to change. The Saskatoon berry bushes are suddenly in full flower mode, finally adding some much needed colour (albeit white, but something different than brown and gray at least). It won’t be long ‘till the berries start coming for sure. And now, this week the Balsamroot plants are sprouting as well.
The sun was actually too bright, as this picture didn’t actually pick up the white very well. “Imagine if you will….” Yeah, these bushes are nothing BUT white in reality, boo on cell phone cameras!!!
These balsamroot plants suddenly sprouted up within a few days all over the West bank of Peterson’s Creek. Last year it was only the west side as well, I wonder what is wrong with the east side?
But, new, natural vegetation isn’t the only thing “springing” up around my trails lately. Yesterday I came shooting off of Summit Drive onto my Peterson Creek trails when suddenly there was a fence in front of me. Yes, a fence!!! And it wasn’t just a quick little job, either, but a nice, cedar wood fence that looks really great. Except it’s across my fun little section of single track….
Turns out that this trail is not a “designated trail” by the city, and actually interferes with private land. So what? The land is the side of a CLIFF. What are the homeowners doing with that land? NOTHING!!! Well, that’s not true, one homeowner faithfully waters the weeds during the summer…
Boo!!! Now I have to ride a wide section down (and then climb back up). And, this “designated” trail is nothing more than a dried up old creek bed of gravel, rock and shale. Nothing hard packed about it in the least, meaning I can’t just “let ‘er rip”, but instead have to slowly make my way down, only to climb back up to the main trail at the end. And it’s a rather steep climb to boot. Yep, this makes me very happy…
Anyways, in the end it’s no big deal. I still get to ride the vast majority of my great trails, so for that I will be happy! Now if they actually cut off Peterson’s Creek altogether, well then that would be another storey altogether…
Oh, and I’ve seen my first bear already this year! Last year I didn’t see any bears (although I saw countless signs of their activity) until the end of the season, and even then it was a mile away. This one was in the Aberdeen Glen Village (trailer park) at the top of Howe, just before I ride into Pineview. He was meandering down the hillside on the south side of the street and stopped to let me ride by before he continued on across the street. That was polite of him! More than I can say for most pedestrians that simply walk in front of me while looking right at me the entire time!!! Anyways, as soon as I saw the bear, my stupid side of my brain wanted to stop, and started arguing with the smart side of my brain which wanted to just keep going. The stupid side won, but by the time I turned around, grabbed my phone and tried to get the camera going, the bear was gone. Oh well, maybe the stupid side will win the argument sooner next time…
As for riding, it’s been going really good. I feel much stronger this year, and much more balanced. I’m making obstacles consistently, where I would only be successful the odd time last year. I’m also making most of the climbs, especially the final one at Rose Hill. I’m now starting to make that climb more often than not, so that is really cool!!! However, I don’t think I have the stamina again like I did last year. After two or three rides, I’m becoming quite exhausted. Hopefully that stamina will come back soon. I am starting to focus on eating better (and less) as well, so that should play a part in being tired and being able to recover. But over all, I’ve been seeing much improvements already. My average times and speeds rival my records from last year, so that is really encouraging to see.
Anyways, I need to get back to work now so I will sign off and hopefully post again within a week or less this time, instead of waiting this long… Sayonara!!!